I know, I know I'm not having a baby anytime soon but if one of your egos is pregos you should definitely be checking out this delicious crib set. Fawn&Forest had me craving the blue box with their Macoroni bedding set inspired by, you guessed it, that cheesy goodness. This company also makes these amazing rocking chairs and nursery furniture for you modern mothers. I dare you to check out their site and not openly lust over their merchandise. To die for!

Fate has brought Sesame Letterpress into my life! I've run into them through several different venues in all my internet foraging and I can't help but claim a divine connection. I love the style of all their products! Check them out on their website or etsy because I know you'll fall head over heels for them too. Whether it's elegant invitation, unique birthday cards, or quirky coasters this husband-wife team's designs will change your life! Aah (lovesick sigh).
keep 'em coming. but no more of that sideways typing. i'm not that literate.
At least you're honest. I was talking to Jenny and she said that when she was first reading this she thought it was your post and was laughing about the baby set. Ha.
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