A few weeks ago, I signed up to get our family portraits taken by a local gal who was doing a fundraiser for The Christmas Box House here in Ogden. For a mere 35 smackers we got a quick sitting at a park and all the money went to the charity. I thought it would be an easy way to get some family shots that would look more natural than our last portraits. This is one of my faves. Let me know what you think.
Me likey.
LOOOOVe it. (If you have ever seen Dragon Tales then that was the voice I was going for)
that is really cute! i can't believe how big they are all getting. that is the hardest thing about living far away. i was talking to mom on the phone the other day and lizzy came in and said something to her and i was like, 'what?! that couldn't be'!
That's totally how I felt on my mission. Christmas call when Charlie started busting out I almost died!! Aaah the perks to living in UT...
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