Now playing: Meg & Dia - Indianavia FoxyTunes 
Like entering the swimming pool, when people start a new hobby or learn a new skill there are some who are toe-dippers, others graceful divers, and yet there some who are cannon-ballers. When faced with a brand new sewing machine and the stitching world before my eyes I decided, like a fat kid who loves cake, to be a cannon-baller. Instead of taking on an easier project- I don't know, let's say one with an actual pattern-I volunteered to make a hanging puppet theater for Claire and Elise to compliment their new, adorable puppets. Of course my complete ignorance left me confident, overly so. It had not crossed my mind the back spasms, pricked fingers, and lost weekends such an undertaking would cost me. For your entertainment I have chronicled my experience, not just eating a piece of humble pie, but hoovering the entire pie.

Left: Up until this point I had been up at Mom's still, under her tutelage. After that I was on my own except for a few frustrated phone consultations.
It's pathetic/funny to think of how close I was at this point to being done with the thing. Little did I know I had just gotten started!

With the pretty yellow fabric I was totally picture Belle's dress from Beauty and the Beast so I definitely wanted the ruched look with vertically raising curtains. 2 dowels, some roman blind tape, and a LOT of creativity were all it took to achieve it.

Ta Da! I ended up finishing up at 12:30 am the night before Mom and Dad left to drive to California. They delivered the curtain for me, even though I would have loved to see the girls' reaction.