So I'm in the market for some quality boots this season, preferably brown, flat, and knee high. I'm ready to invest in the right pair but I'm just not sure which one is THE one. I'm having commitment issues and I can't decide so I'm taking open suggestions from the peanut gallery. Cast your vote or let me know if you see any other great candidates.

Option #1 I like how this is slouched but still has a tall shaft. I was going for brown and not gray but I did hear it was going to be an "in" color this fall/winter. $60 at piperlime

Option #2 This one is very similar to the next in line but I like the simple, clean line of both of them. This one has a little bit of texture for variety though. $189 at Piperlime

Option #3 Maybe I'm just particularly fond of this one because it bears my name. No wait, it really is a freakin awesome riding boot. $198 at Piperlime

Option #4 Slouched and Suede. Not sure how winter resistant the suede would be. I'm looking to invest in a boot that will keep my footsies stylish
and warm this winter. $100 at Piperlime

Option #5 I like the big buckle for a little variety and it looks like a bigger calf feet (good for my mammoth calves and pant tuckage) $199.95 at Nordstrom's

Option #6 Classic riding boot, all leather. I wonder how comfortable it is for everyday walking though but I guess that could be said for any of these boots. $179.95 at Nordstrom's